The 8th IIES International Symposium

The 1st East Asian Ergonomics Federation Symposium Ergonomic Trends from the East


Organized by: The East Asia Ergonomics Federation

Supported by: Society for Occupational Safety, Health and Ergonomics

                         Ergonomics Society of Korea

                         Chinese Ergonomics Society

                         Hong Kong Ergonomics Society

                         Ergonomics Society of Taiwan

November 12 [Wednesday] - 14 [Friday], 2008

Ramazzini Hall, UOEH, Japan

Last Update: 2008/11/25

The 13th Annual meeting of The Society for Occupational Safety, Health and Ergonomics

Thank you for your participation.

The 2nd East Asian Ergonomics Federation Symposium will be held in Taiwan, 2011.

See you in Taiwan!!